Formerly known as Flower Mound Pool Care


How Pool Service from Clear Choice Can Keep Your Pool in Great Condition

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You’ve made the investment in a pool and you’ve signed up for regular pool service from Clear Choice – now what?  To get the most out of your pool, hiring a pool service in Lewisville is just the first step.  Now it’s time to learn what you can do to maximize the services that you receive in between appointments, in order to get the most out of the beautiful new addition to your property.

Owning a pool may seem like a dream come true.  Each day, you can step into crystal clear waters and enjoy the cooling refreshment of a swim.  Pool owners should know, however, that there is a lot of work that goes into keeping that water clean and the temperature right.  Filters must be kept clean, chemicals must be properly maintained, and the area must be checked regularly for cracks or malfunctioning equipment.  While these are things that a pool service can take care of, it’s always a good idea to keep track of any issues in between appointments, so that you can contact the company immediately if you suspect a problem.  Since taking care of an issue as soon as it is noticed can prevent costly repairs down the road, this is always a good idea.

In between your pool service appointments, be a good housekeeper.  Keep the area around the pool clean and free from debris.  Skim the surface of the pool daily and brush the sides and walls regularly to keep algae away.  Pools can also be vacuumed as needed, to remove unsightly debris and dirt.

Test your water each day using special pool testing strips, which monitor the chemical balance in the pool.  If you know how to adjust the chemicals correctly, add whatever is needed to neutralize the water.  If you aren’t sure, contact your local pool service to find out, as adding the incorrect proportion of chemicals to the water may result in accidental chemical burns or other types of serious injuries to swimmers.  Never forget that when it comes to pools, safety should always be your highest priority.

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